NAMI Virginia often holds Open Houses to inform the public, mental health consumers, their families, and health/human service providers about what NAMI is and what it has to offer. These Open Houses are usually held in Richmond. There was a request to do an Open House in southwest Virginia due to the fact that Richmond is roughly a five and a half hour drive or longer from this part of the state; therefore, most of the time, people from southwest Virginia do not attend the Open Houses.
The staff at NAMI Virginia (state office) was very receptive to doing an Open House in southwest Virginia. It would not be until the fall of this year. Of course, we have to see if there is enough interest in southwest Virginia to even pursue putting an Open House together. If there is, we would need to come up with a possible meeting place and date; possible people to help; etc. Please help us get an idea of the interest of a NAMI Open House/Information Session by completing the survey in the attached link: NAMI Virginia Open House/Information Session in SWVA Survey. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at Thank you!
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